Jack Whelan
Date of Admission: 2018
Tel: +61 2 8029 6438
Fax: +61 2 9231 3320
Areas of Practice
Barrister Practice:
- Family law including parenting and property disputes.
- Administrative law
- Migration law
- Professional conduct matters including university tribunals
- Employment law
- Commissions of Inquiry
- Parliamentary Inquiries
Mediation Practice as a Mediator and FDRP:
- Property and parenting matters
- Workplace mediation
- Personal injury and workers compensation mediation
- Internal management disputation
Workplace complaints investigations regarding alleged bullying, intimidation, harassment and discrimination
High performance communication training
Bachelor of Economics (Honours), University of Sydney, completed 1994.
Bachelor of Laws, University of New England, completed, 2009.
Diploma of Laws, College of Law, completed 2010.
Masters of Dispute Resolution, University of Technology, completed 2012.
Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution, College of Law, completed 2017.
Jack was called to the Bar in 2018.
Prior to this he was a Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister of Australia and Chief of Staff to the Commonwealth Attorney General and Minister for Justice.
Jack also co-founded The Separation Guide, an online family law platform, which has had more than 450,000 users to January 2024.
Jack practices primarily in:
- Family law especially in making and defending applications for parenting and property orders, and also contravention orders. He is an FDRP and expert in evaluative mediation having conducted more than 180 family law mediations covering property and parenting matters as well as child support and spousal maintenance disputes.
- Employment law especially unfair dismissal applications, bullying and harassment discrimination claims, workplace investigations and worker’s compensation matters;
- Administration law including migration and taxation actions;
- He mediates in all fields of the law including in personal injury, workplace disputes, Board and CEO disputes, sports law disputes and commercial law matters. He has conducted more than 800 mediations throughout an 11 – year mediating career thus far;
- He’s also an expert negotiator having represented national and state – based trade unions and employee associations in large and high – profile commercial and industrial negotiations.
- Professional misconduct matters. Jack has represented professionals wrongly accused of professional misconduct in the United Kingdom.
Jack has conducted more than 650 mediations and drafter of more
than 300 speeches for political leaders, Members of Parliament, CEOs and public figures.
Examples of Publications
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